MinutesOpen a new Box every Friday. Each box release includes a set of cool new websites that we’ve handpicked for the Hoard
You don’t have to wait for Friday to come around. You can discover over 500 cool websites whenever you damn well please.
Hoard your favourite cool websites for easy access later down the road. Just look out for the heart icon and your site will be stored safely in your Hoard.
Think of us as a sieve. All the big nuggets of this world like Twitter and YouTube have been discovered, jeez you’d have to be Stevie Wonder to miss them.
What about those smaller gold flakes still floating around waiting to be found? That’s where we, the sieve, comes in.
We get rid of the crap, and leave those sweet glistening pieces of pure gold waiting for you in weekly boxes.
If you need extra help, the gold is a metaphor for cool websites 🤦
Let’s be honest, boredom sucks. Next time you think about going to the fridge for the one hundredth time, open a box instead and discover something new. Instead of manky old cheese.
You’re a nerd, we get it. Don’t shy away from it folks, being a nerd is awesome these days and if like us, you enjoy discovering cool websites that can be entertaining (sometimes) then you’re in good hands.
You don’t really, but you like to think you do. So next time you arrive at a party, you can pull out the latest items you’ve discovered. It will keep the party going for hours and you’ll for sure be invited back.
You won’t find anything you already know. We’re not going to suggest watching Netflix or listening to music through Spotify. Instead you’ll have a ton of cool websites and variety here; from fun productive items, to completely useless ones all packaged up in weekly boxes. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, that’s boring.
Wow, what a question. How to make a cool website is almost like little Timmy asking “Hey Mr, what’s life?”. Well thankfully for you fine folks we can answer the cool website question, however, you’re on your own with the meaning of life. Now let’s address the elephant in the room. We collect, better, we […]
With the release of our 52nd Box, we realised something quite spectacular. We’re now officially one year into creating a StumbleUpon alternative. It didn’t really hit until the genius in us recognised that there are 52 weeks in the year, and seeing as we release a new box every week, that very complicated math provided […]
(This article was updated in 2023 with the latest and greatest websites to visit! We’ve added new sites, updated existing ones, and removed sites that are no longer valid. So sit back, relax, and enjoy exploring these fun, interesting, and cool websites.) First of all, we are more than a blog. We’re not here to […]
Now we’re acquainted, go and discover cool websites flying under the radar by opening your first box 📦